Terrance O’Malley is a sought-after speaker for conferences and private events, a frequent contributor to some of the industry’s leading publications, an oft-quoted expert, and a noted industry commentator.

Terrance has spoken and written about the investment management industry throughout his professional career. By the early 2000s, he had chaired major conferences on operations and regulations and in 2003 was cited as an authority in the SEC’s milestone report on the Implications of the Growth of Hedge Funds. By the end of the decade, he had published over twenty articles on the investment management industry, spoken at dozens of conferences, and served in various leadership positions, including on the Editorial Board of Institutional Investor’s Journal of Investment Compliance.

With three books and dozens of articles to his name, he is arguably the private fund industry’s most published expert on the operational side of the busines.  His books include The Insiders’ Guide to Hedge Funds: Successfully Managing the Middle and Back Office and the Investment Adviser’s Legal and Compliance Guide, both published by Wolters Kluwer.

Following a nearly 10-year hiatus from engagement in public discussions, Terrance re-enter the public forum in 2019. He has returned to speaking and publishing, and also writes a popular blog about the fund industry.

To contact Terrance, please email: Terrance@tjomanagement.com

To learn more about recent speaking engagements, click here.
To learn more about recent publications and media mentions, click here.
To read the blog, click here.
To learn more about the book, The Insiders’ Guide to Hedge Funds, click here.