Hedge Fund Question of the Week – Winter Edition – Preview

What’s on your mind about the hedge fund business?

This past summer, I put together a weekly series of 10 questions about the hedge fund industry.  The questions focused primarily on the operational side of the business.  Thanks to everyone who viewed the questions and weighed in with their own thoughts, both as comments to the posts and directly to me in emails and conversations.  In total the series received over 20,000 views with the most popular questions being whether a firm can outsource the Chief Compliance Officer title and whether start up managers understand how a hedge fund firm operates.  

Some of the best questions came from talking with people in the industry about issues they face and suggestions they provided.

I’m now considering a new set of questions for an upcoming Winter series.  If there is something on your mind, please feel free to reach out to me. If it seems like a question that may have broad appeal and may help educate the industry on a significant issue, I’ll consider making it the question of the week.
